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Pras Michel's former attorney pleads guilty to leaking information about Fugees rapper's case (www.usatoday.com)

TLDR; Summary

  • David Kenner, a prominent defense attorney, pleaded guilty to leaking grand jury information about rapper Pras Michel's case to reporters.
  • Kenner was representing Michel, a member of the Fugees, during a political conspiracy trial.
  • He gave grand jury information and photos to reporters for Bloomberg News, which ran defense-oriented stories.
  • Kenner was sentenced to a year of unsupervised probation and a $5,000 fine.
  • Michel was eventually convicted of all 10 counts and faces up to 20 years in prison.
  • Michel is pushing for a new trial, claiming Kenner made errors, including using an artificial intelligence program for closing arguments.
  • The charge Kenner pleaded guilty to carries a maximum prison sentence of six months.
  • Kenner's probation term will be unsupervised.
  • Kenner said he was reckless for not terminating the reporters' access to grand jury information.
  • Michel's spokeswoman said the