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Find out who's calling, use AI and more with 15 smart tech tips (www.usatoday.com)

TLDR; Summary

  • Kim Komando shares 15 smart tech tips to improve life without downsides
  • Don't change TV picture mode to Game for sports; use Cinema or Movie instead
  • Use Ctrl + F on Windows or Cmd + F on Mac to search for keywords in Terms and Conditions
  • Use window shortcuts on Windows and Mac for efficiency
  • Use Campflare to find last-minute cancellations at national parks
  • Merge PDFs in Adobe Acrobat or use a free site for editing
  • Use Google Calendar's Appointment schedule feature to schedule meetings easily
  • Search unknown phone numbers online and report fraud at reportfraud.ftc.gov
  • Utilize boatwatch.org to report items found on water for help in recovery efforts
  • Mark texts as unread to remember to reply later
  • Launch programs on a PC with Windows key + number shortcut
  • Create collaborative playlists on Spotify
  • Give clear instructions for AI