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25 innovative tech startups from Scotland (tech.eu)

TLDR; Summary

  • Admio provides brands with the functionality to embed commerce functionality into digital media and content
  • Blackford Analysis operates an imaging AI marketplace for medical image aggregation
  • Chemify provides molecular design services for pharmaceutical and biotechnology partners
  • Continuum Industries enables power and utility companies to assess routing options for power lines and pipelines
  • Cytomos has developed an advanced cell analysis solution for the biopharma industry
  • Desana offers a streamlined interface for managing flexible workspace bookings
  • Earth Blox uses satellite data to identify illegal activities such as deforestation
  • Enough creates sustainable protein alternatives for plant-based meat, fish, and dairy products
  • Forrit provides customers with a CMS for building and editing websites
  • FreeAgent offers accounting software and support for small businesses
  • Intelligent Growth Solutions focuses on indoor, vertical farms and technical solutions for farmers
  • Menzies Distribution develops technologies and business models for smarter